Tuesday, December 18, 2018


saying it outloud
Double-crested American Coot
in a snowstorm
on a frozen lake
is like all is
good and suffering
is on the mend

saying it
soothes the wounds
of whatever
unsaid unsayables
thus keep on
saying it
repeat it
louder and again
Double-crested American Coot
Double-crested American Coot
Double-crested American Coot
in a snowstorm
on a frozen lake so good to be

by a Double-crested
American Coot in
an American snowstorm
on a frozen American lake
in a cold
Double-crested America

keep pronouncing it
outloud clear as ice
Double-crested American Coot
on a frozen lake
in a snowstorm
if you know what’s good for you

say it once twice a hundred times
say it until you’re blue
until spring unfreezes
Double-crested American Coot
Double-crested American Coot
Double-crested American Coot

saves me

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