One guy is cute and
the other is ugly
the first
misunderstood, the second raped her
One guy is tall and
the other a dwarf
ill will toward the former boils to the top
One guy has a big
house, the other small
the small one owes the big one a
One guy runs like the wind,
the other
pokes along with his
One guy plays all day,
the other works,
the worker with so much work
to do,
ever always work to do,
too much with so much work to do
too much with so much work to do
One guy wears a suit the
other wouldn’t
one guy’s a king, the
other ain't
One guy rakes his yard,
bags leaves
the other keeps an eye out for strangers
One has several kids
who love him dearly
the other farms it
out, loves them dearly
One has the type of
nose everyone adores
the other can’t breathe
through his
One has a foot, a
marble foot or bronze
the other limps on all
One guy flashes his
diamond ring
the other tallies red
in the sun
One guy flies non-stop,
the other sits
watching his better descend
One guy buys the unbuyable
takes possession of
the unbuyable
and the other notices
where and when
how and why
his own on sale
his unbuyable to be
his unbuyable trade of priceless wares
One guy speaks like a
the other a broken pipe,
tongue-lashed heart
and mind paint the deed,
tongue-lashed heart
and mind paint the deed,
rust beneath a coat
of calm
Beauty drives on to
higher ground
while ugly dons a short skirt
Beauty burns ugly like
cleans it up
cooks dinner
makes a bed in heaven
in the head of heaven
One guy’s beautiful
One isn’t
One sees it
One doesn’t
One did it, one
guy did it
One guy’s done it
all along
and the other looks
out of his mind
to think
one is beautiful and the other
explains everything
explains everything
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